Business Lifecycle
The SME Business Lifecycle was created to enable small and medium business owners to chart their progression and growth. At Alexander Spencer, we provide specific tailored advice for business owners at every single stage of their development. The interactive chart below is designed to help you understand your position in the Business Lifecycle and give you some insight into the challenges ahead.
Click on + stage in the Business Lifecycle to find out more about how our team can foster your success at each step.
At this stage, your business may be no more than just an idea, or you may be in the very early stages of providing your service or supplying your product. You know you want your business to succeed, but you’re not sure how to create a financial structure that will enable your success. We can provide you with the strategic advice you need to launch your business successfully, which may include:
Business planning and structuring
Financial modelling
Sales strategy
Growth analysis
This support is designed to allow you to transform your business dream into a reality.
Your enterprise is fully operational and may be ready to expand by this point. You may be looking to hire more staff, open a second location or significantly broaden your service offering. We support your business growth by:
Helping you scale your business
Deal with cashflow issues
Incorporate debt as a long-term growth strategy
Set and achieve business goals
We also offer support in the day-to-day running of your business, by taking care of your bookkeeping, tax and accounting.
Your business is now fully established, and you are facing a crucial decision point on whether to grow your business further or move towards planning for succession and retirement. You may be looking for ways to:
Reinvigorate your business strategy
Increase your profit
Reduce your direct involvement with the enterprise’s day-to-day operations.
We can help you make these difficult decisions and support your future prosperity, whatever choice you make.
You’re now ready to look towards the future of your business and secure your enterprise’s legacy, through the development of a succession plan or through the mergers and acquisition process. Our team can help you develop a plan for succession, whether that involves preparing your business for sale by securing your assets and valuing your business, or transitioning management and operation of the business to the next generation.
You’re now moving into retirement and stepping away from your business. We can provide you with support in managing the proceeds of the sale of your business and the associated tax consequences of selling. Our team of business experts can:
Facilitate your estate planning
Provide guidance to SMSF trustees
Manage your tax responsibilities through retirement
You will be guided through the entire process so you can feel rest assured that your business is being taken care of.
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